Software k means thousand

One exception is the computer industry payroll systems where a k 1,000. Do you know why does the letter k stand for thousand. Actually, in our mind letter k stands for a thousand but most of us or we can say that all of us dont know why does it stand for a thousand. At least in the early computer world, one k actually stood for 1,024 because the computer is based on the binary number system and it is closest power of 2 to 1,000. M is the roman numeral for 1,000 but in the metric system m designates the prefix mega which is a million. The capital letter k is sometimes used informally to represent one thousand dollars, especially in newspaper headlines. The misuse of k for thousand should be discouraged. Thousands or even tens of thousands of genes can be spotted on a. On the other hand m designates milli or one thousandth so mm is a millimetre or 0. To see what this means, take a look at this figure.

In the imaging process, we adopt a kmeans clustering segmentation. About contact us ios app android suggest recent last searched popular abbreviations popular categories statistics. It is still used in instances like cpm, or cost per thousand impressions. In computer literature, kilobyte is usually abbreviated as k or kb. Pdf thousand kernel weight tkw is an important parameter for the. This matlab function performs kmeans clustering to partition the observations of the nbyp data matrix x into k clusters, and returns. To minimize confusion i would stick with k for a thousand. If 100k means 100 thousand, what does the k stand for. You will learn the implementation of kmeans clustering on movie. We all use the letter k when it comes to writing a number in thousands, like means 1k, 0 means 10k and the list goes on. A clustering tool in pingpong style computer science. The letter k came to existence as a replacement for the thousand.

The solution obtained is not necessarily the same for all starting points. Eclipse is a purely java based software, and needs. M and mm are roman numerals where m is one thousand and mm is intended to denote one thousand thousands. As such, people occasionally represent the number in a nonstandard notation by replacing the last three zeros of the general numeral with k. K for has become more generally popular that m for. This allows you to present cleaner numbers and avoid inundating your audience with overlarge numbers. So, greeks often used the word chilioi in place of a thousand as well as the denominatio. The best path would be to determine what your audience is most likely to understand. To show your numbers in thousands, highlight them, rightclick, and select format cells. To distinguish between a decimal k 1,000 and a binary k 1,024, the ieee has suggested.

K comes form the greek kilo which means a thousand. If you have seen the symbols of k, m or b on twitter or in money values, prefixing yourself to a figure, you probably have not been able to read these figures of course, provided you do not handle these figures on a daily basis these figures. This is in light of the fact that k demonstrates kilo which in greek strategies one thousand. Format numbers in thousands and millions in excel reports. Vishal garg, software engineer at fivetran 2018present. That is readily overcome using specialized software, but visualization of the. When you want to cluster text documents, you may use this software to generate. K is short for kilo, a prefix meaning thousand, derived from the greek. The origin of it was from greece, there is a word chilioi in greek which means thousand. It would be bad form to mix k and mm because they are two different systems of notation.

Using m as an abbreviation for thousand dates back to the roman numeral system, where m was the symbol for thousand. Clustering highdimensional data is the cluster analysis of data with anywhere from a few dozen to many thousands of dimensions. Several clustering techniques were recently developed and applied to analyze microarray. In microsoft excel, you can improve the readability of your dashboards and reports by formatting your revenue numbers to appear in thousands. For this reason, the calculations are generally repeated several times in order to choose the optimal solution for the selected criterion. Proclus uses a similar approach with a kmedoid clustering. The k comes from measurement kilo whereas the m is the roman numeral for.